Less is More


We live in an era where nothing is really ever enough. We are always seeking more. More practice time, more coaches, more hits, more lessons, more on our resume, more more more. It's no wonder kids get burnt out. I myself was one of these kids at 12 years old.

I told my parents I wanted to quit softball and I did. I stopped playing and took time to focus on my first love, basketball. It is very rare for most kids now to take off a fall from playing, let alone a calendar year, but that was me and I am so grateful my parents let me do that when I was younger. I learned the art of balance at a young age and ultimately it let me come back stronger and more engaged and even ahead of most players in my class. Shortly after quitting, my prep career took off when I came back and I started to get recruited by top tier schools like Alabama, UCLA, Tennessee, and others. 

Am I telling you to quit for a year so you can get recruited? No. But I am saying maybe what you need isn't more reps or games, maybe you need a break. And you're probably thinking "Halo you can't write this in the middle of softball season I can't take a break now." I think now is the most important time to make taking breaks a part of your routine.

1. Make sure you are taking at least one day off. Completely unplug from softball and everything involved in it. Parents, do not bring up softball to your daughter unless she does so first. This is so helpful and allows everything in your brain to reset weekly and find clarity more consistently. 

2. One big goal a day. I think we always feel like there is more to do because we are moving so fast. You have school, softball, extracurriculars, friends, all these different things to worry about. The less we focus on, the more productive we can be and the more we can grow. One thing that has helped me tremendously is setting one goal, one thing to accomplish that day. I often ask myself when journaling "If I only did ONE thing today, would it be something I would be proud of?" It keeps things in perspective and keeps me focused. Pro tip: the answer is never "Make a TikTok" or "Binge Netflix." It's bigger. Keep the main thing the main thing. 

Less is truly more. Less leads to clarity, focus, consistency, productivity, stillness, and calm. 

Take a break. You have permission.  



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